Student Voice is a new section in the journal International Studies in Widening Participation (ISWP) aimed at giving former enabling students* an opportunity to critically reflect on their experiences in an access program and its impact on their educational journey.
One paper will be published annually and the author will be awarded a AU$500 prize. The journal is calling for submissions, of 1500–2500 words, for Volume 6, Number 2 which will be published in November 2019.
About ISWP
ISWP is an open access journal hosted by the University of Newcastle, Australia, through a joint collaboration between the English Language & Foundation Studies Centre (ELFSC) and the Centre of Excellence for Equity on Higher Education (CEEHE).
ISWP aims to encourage topical and critical debate about significant issues relating to educational access and widening participation in higher education across the globe, including perspectives from academics, practitioners and students.
If you are interested in making a submission please visit: https://novaojs.newcastle.edu.au/ceehe/index.php/iswp/index.
For enquiries please email Journal Manager, Jo Hanley: ISWP@newcastle.edu.au
*To be eligible, contributors must have completed an enabling program at an Australian university and be undertaking, or have completed, an undergraduate or postgraduate degree (documentation required). The inaugural paper can be found at: https://novaojs.newcastle.edu.au/ceehe/index.php/iswp/article/view/106