Research Database

Towards an Inclusive Analytics for Australian Higher Education

Type of Publication: Research report

Lead Organisation: La Trobe University

Year Published: 2022

Lead Researcher: Bret Stephenson

Written by Bret Stephenson1, Andrew Harvey2 and Qing Huang1

In this report we identify the potential benefits of advanced analytics for student equity, and the institutional and cultural changes required for such potential to be fulfilled. We also argue, however, that the growing use of analytics involves risks and threats to student equity, further underlining the importance of institutional change, including educative and regulatory reform. We begin this report by providing a brief overview of the uses of advanced analytics within the higher education context. Analytic techniques now inform vast areas of the university and traverse the whole student lifecycle: from the recruitment and admissions of prospective students, through to the building of employability profiles of graduates. Part 1 also reviews many of the important conceptual and practical challenges involved in the quantification or datafication of equity, and equity cohorts, within the Australian context.

Read the full report: Towards an Inclusive Analytics for Australian Higher Education

1La Trobe University
2Griffith University, formerly La Trobe University

Posted 17 March 2022