Practice / Policy

Student Equity Practice and Policy

  • COVID-19 — Resources for the higher education sector

    A diverse collection of open access research, resources, articles and case studies are available on the NCSEHE website. A selection of materials applicable to issues in learning and teaching during—and beyond—the COVID-19 pandemic are listed here.

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are those who self-identify upon enrolment via a positive response to the question “Are you an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?” Access research, resources, news and case studies relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students here.

  • Regional and remote students

    Regional and remote students are identified by the postcode of their permanent home residence, at either the time of initial enrolment (the “first address” measure), or current enrolment (the “current address” measure), using the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) system of classification. Access research, resources, news and case studies relevant to regional and remote students here.

  • Students with disability 

    Students with disability are those who self-identify upon enrolment via a positive response when asked if they have disability, impairment or (a) long term medical condition/s. Access research, resources, news and case studies relevant to students with disability here.

  • Low socioeconomic status students (low SES)

    Socioeconomic status (SES) in Australian higher education is determined using a student’s residential address. The SES of an individual student is proxied by the SES of the area in which they reside, known as the Statistical Area 1 (SA1). The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) uses census data on household educational and occupational status to construct the Socio-Economic Index for Areas — Index of Education and Occupation (SEIFA). Each SA1 in Australia receives a SEIFA score which is standardised against a national mean of 1000. All SA1 areas in Australia are then ranked on the basis of their SEIFA scores. Low SES students are defined as those students who live in the bottom 25 per cent of SA1 areas in this ranking. Access research, resources, news and case studies relevant to regional and remote students here.