Event information
Pan Pacific Hotel, 207 Adelaide Terrace, Perth Western Australia
The 2016 STARS (Students Transitions Achievement Retention & Success) conference will provide attendees with an opportunity to disseminate and discuss research, practice, initiatives and ideas aimed at enhancing tertiary students’ learning experiences:
- Students – Who are they? What are their needs? What works for different cohorts? Strategies for broader social inclusion and increasing participation in tertiary education, and the participation of First Nation peoples
- Transitions – Pathways to tertiary education; transitions into (the first year experience), during (work integrated learning) and from tertiary education including graduate employability, and capstone experiences
- Achievement – Strategies promoting student achievement including curricular and co-curricular reform, employability, gamification and simulation enhanced learning
- Retention – Program, discipline, whole of institution, inter-institutional and sector collaborations designed to improve student retention, threshold skills and concepts, and
- Success – Student engagement, technology enhanced learning, understanding students expectations and realities, psychological wellbeing, application of learning analytics.
Who should attend:
- Equity practitioners in universities who are responsible for widening the participation of equity groups and supporting their transition into university study
- Tertiary teachers and learning support professionals
- Academic and professional staff keen to enhance their knowledge and engage in discussions
- Researchers in higher, tertiary and adult education
- Academic and professional institutional leaders
- Assistant and Associate Deans Learning and Teaching, and
- Directors of Learning and Teaching, Students, Academic Staff Development and Digital Learning Strategies.
What will you get out of it:
- Join an international community dedicated to enhancing students experiences
- Engage with others in discussions about the breadth and depth of learning and teaching and student support issues
- Hear about best practice from the people involved
- Present and discuss your ideas with interested colleagues, and
- Gather information about successful initiatives for implementation within your institution.
2016 Conference Keynote Speakers:
- Professor Barney Glover – Vice-Chancellor and President, Western Sydney University, Chair of Universities Australia
- Associate Professor Brydie-Leigh Bartleet – Director, the Queensland Conservatorium Research Centre, Griffith University and 2014 Australian University Teacher of the Year.
For more information and to register, please visit the UniSTARS website. Early-bird registrations close 30 April 2016. Follow @Unistarsconf in Twitter and #unistars