Event information
Health Sciences Building Room 1.27, Flinders University, Sturt Rd, Bedford Park South Australia

Flinders Disability and Careers Services invites students who have a disability to a half day forum titled, “Pathways Beyond Uni.”
This forum is aimed at providing students with strategies, insights and assistance to effectively transition from education into graduate employment.
The forum will include:
- A keynote offering an aspirational story
- An employer and graduate panel with Q & A to offer their insights and advice for employment
- Addressing Disclosure: what, when, how and why, and
- Career Planning – within the context of disclosure and a focus on building employability, self-marketing and maximising opportunities.
To reserve your place, please RSVP via email to disability@flinders.edu.au by 15 September 2014. Registrants will receive further information closer to the date.
Places are limited so be quick.