News & Events

Engagement at the Interface: Indigenous Pathways and Transitions into Higher Education

Event Details
Australian Centre for Indigenous Knowledges and Education (ACIKE) precinct, Charles Darwin University, Casuarina campus
22 October 2015 - 23 October 2015

The Australian Centre for Indigenous Knowledges and Education (ACIKE) at Charles Darwin University invites you to attend an upcoming national forum on Indigenous pathways and transitions into higher education.

The Engagement at the Interface: Indigenous Pathways and Transitions into Higher Education forum seeks to bring together researchers, scholars, policy-makers, practitioners, professionals and citizens who have an interest and/or experience in Indigenous pathways and transitions into higher education.

In the context of Indigenous pathways and transitions into higher education, the interface is about the engagement that takes place at the intersection of Western and Indigenous domains. This has parallels with the concepts of both ways of learning and interculturalism, concepts concerned with similar notions of place where systems, organisations, communities and individuals meet and interact; where there is a balance in the interactions; where knowledge is shared and negotiated through the interactions; and where new knowledge is co-created and equally owned. Pathways for Indigenous students into higher education can be complex. They often involve concerns relating to equity and social inclusion. Similarly, Indigenous student transitions into higher education can be daunting, involving a combination of personal, institutional and systemic challenges.

Through keynotes, paper presentations, yarning circles and posters, the forum aims to facilitate networking, share information and create a national dialogue.

For more information, and to register, please visit the forum website.

Posted 8 June 2015