Event information
In-Person (Croke Park Conference Centre), Online and Hybrid
The AHEAD annual international conference will run from Wednesday March 22nd to Thursday March 23rd 2023 and will be held in-person, online and hybrid.
They are pleased to invite submissions for sessions, talks and posters to be presented at the conference in-person and online.
Conference subthemes will be:
- Inclusion is Everyone’s Business – Exploring whole college/centre approaches to Universal Design and UDL.
- Collaborative Action on Accessibility and Inclusion – Showcasing successful collaborations or communities of practice formed between departments, institutions and services supporting inclusion (e.g., faculties and libraries, teaching and disability support, or regional HEI institutions and ETBs etc.).
- Inclusion in Student Engagement – removing barriers to learners with disabilities being included in student representation and student engagement activities.
- Crossing the digital divide together – exploring the pros and cons of hybrid learning for inclusion and models of good practice within it.
- ‘Working’ together – addressing barriers to employment for students and graduates with disabilities through partnerships with business.
- Widening the Community – showcasing good practice in the inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in tertiary education.
- Community Exchange – share your individual practice tips on UDL implementation, inclusive assessment, disability support, hybrid learning and more to support others in the community.
To find out more information on the conference and how to register visit the website or email events@ahead.ie.